Snark Search

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

You said you wanted to go paperLESS?

When I started working where I currently work I heard lots of things about going paperless. We were going to be a green, paperless (or at least paper minimum) office. Exciting!

While this office does make very good use of our computer system and we could go pretty much paperless, there is a sticking point - the Executive Director! He has a printer right on his desk. Yet what did I have waiting for me when I got in this morning? Two emails from him that said "print this for me." Each email had multiple attachments - some several pages long (one was over 50 pages).

So this gets the biggest eye roll I've done in a long time. Paperless my ass. Some people here can't even send their documents to the printer right next to them much less go without the paper!

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