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Friday, March 21, 2008

That Coworker

You know, that coworker. The one that just seems to dig a little under your skin for a day. I had one of those today. Luckily, it was a short day for Good Friday. Here's some things said coworker does to just nibble away at the very subcutis of my being:
  1. the skin-tight clothes
  2. many, many layers of makeup
  3. jingle, jangly jewelry
  4. exclamations of "I simply cannot do another thing"
  5. the angry foreign language speak
  6. the loud, obnoxious laugh I can hear all the way down the hall
  7. high heels all the time
  8. starting late several mornings in a row
  9. too much cleavage for work
  10. emails that always seem a little too accusatory
I really do like all the people who are currently working at my office, but you know, some days some people are just too much, especially for someone like me who generally does not belong in the general public.

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