I initially called this post 'Shout Outs,' but that seemed too cheerleaderish for me, so decided to do 'Warm Snarkies' instead. Enjoy!
I wanted to do this first warm snarky on Saturday, when my timing would have been right on, but if you read my previous post from today, you know I was asleep...I just wanted to say 'Happy, Happy Birthday' to MH. Hope you had a super duper day! I would have been all over making you some cute little card or other paperart this weekend, but you know, when you get the flue for the first time in 12 years, it's pretty much all you can concentrate on. Do anything fun or special? Save this warm snarky for another day...
Second warm snarky out goes to AB down the hall. From the chatter I've picked up in the hall (and I pick up a lot from where my office is), you're having a rough day with a client who should have done some pre-planning. Hope that all gets sorted out for you. Leave it here when you leave the office tonight so you're entire day and evening are not ruined.
You gals are both great - had to do a quick post for you! Where did the
nasty little snark go anyway?!
PS - A very warm snarky to M. for reasons mentioned in previous post.
My birthday is actually 4/21. So, since you'll be feeling better by next weekend.....
PS--the flu sucks. I can't believe your back at work today! We have a whirlpool tub and it's awesome--especially after a 15 mile bike ride last weekend.
Well, crap! My Google calendar is messed up!
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