Snark Search

Monday, April 14, 2008

Documentary v. Interpretive Photos

I am taking a photography class called Art That Happens to be Your Life. For this week's lesson we are developing our critical eye and focusing on documentary photos versus interpretive photos. Usually I would try to watch the lesson video and read through the handouts over the weekend to have some time to work on my assignment, but since the flu hit me this weekend, I used M.'s game time to work on this week. Our assignment was to post two photos of the same subject: one documentary and one interpretive. Since I don't have a lot of subjects to work with around here - M. and a couple cats, I decided to look through photos I've already taken and selected two of a little girl I used to babysit for. So I give you Olivia - documentary and interpretive.

Since I lack an array of subjects at home maybe I will need to start taking my camera to work and doing some assignments there? That happens to be a big chunk of my life... Perhaps a few well-meaning coworkers will raise their hands and volunteer? I know you're out there... Stop by my office and tell me you'd love for me to photograph you! M. - you are going to have not be camera shy!!


Storm said...

Negative! >:D

Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure about this one . . . . I mean I know it's for art and all, but eek!


Anonymous said...

I would be willing to help you with some. I must approve them before you send them on, though.